On Thursday SAF held its Christmas party at the home of Kathryn Pettitt and there was a fine turnout despite the icy weather. All members brought their savoury contribution to the feast and it seemed a lot of us had the same idea of something with smoked salmon – but this went down well with Kathryn’s punch.
The main art speak amongst members was the ‘School of Saatchi’ TV programme – the X factor for artists. Most agreed that Eugenie’s ‘found object’ a tree trunk impaled on a set of railings looked good in the Hermitage gallery setting but that Matt Clark who made the caravan was probably the better artist. One member did say thoough that the railings thing had already been done before - but what hasn't? Check it out - Nervosi
SAF is hoping for an even more eventful year in 2010 – plans for an even larger Art Trail are already underway and in January several of our members are looking forward to fill in a few hours working with Solihull Library Gallery on a new group project. Jackie Mackay
SAF is hoping for an even more eventful year in 2010 – plans for an even larger Art Trail are already underway and in January several of our members are looking forward to fill in a few hours working with Solihull Library Gallery on a new group project. Jackie Mackay